Posts Tagged ‘robert pattinson’

Today’s DVD arrivals

August 3, 2009

After what I consider a cr@p day at work, I’m drowning my sorrows in a packet of jelly babies, a tube of salt & vinegar Pringles and some chocolate cake someone baked just for me (awww on three).

Now, I get the chance to go through my box of DVDs I got delivered today (which is a bumper one…)

Right now I’m watching 8 hours of Macho Man Randy Savage in action, so the evening is turning into pure bliss.

Anyways, now that I’m making a bucket load of cash…pinocchio

I get to feed my DVD obsession again, with new titles, replacement titles (from the great 4 year Burgbusters blow-out sale), and of course filling in the gaps I’ve always been meaning to fill.

With that, I bring to you, my latest additions to my collection (and further proof of my Geek royalty):

Macho Man Randy Savage: The ultimate collection
– 3 discs spanning Macho Man’s WWF/WCW career that brings back some major memories of my childhood. Oooooh Yeah!

How To Be
– ok ok, I’ll admit it…my mom made me do it… Robert Pattinson’s latest quirky movie… I have no idea what it’s about, but my mom asked me not to disturb her while she’s watching it …and then closed her door. (creep out on three)

– I ordered this before MJ’s death, and have since seen it on TV a number of times…very sad to have it delivered now under the circumstances… for fans only I reckon.

Letters From a Killer
– Patrick Swayze as a falsely convicted murderer. It’s Swayze, who cares about the plot.

-Oh cr@p… My desk chair just broke and now seems to have unwillingly been converted to a deck chair…-

The Sea Wolves
– Roger Moore! Gregory Peck! David Niven! Patrick McNee! If these names mean nothing to you… we are done talking.

Around the World With Willy Fog: vol.4
– the continuing adventures of that lovable lion travelling the world…a childhood classic (my vol.3 hasnt arrived yet though mmm)

Queen of The Damned
– a replacement dvd featuring the late Aaliyah as Anne Rice’s Queen Akasha… felt like it was time to give this one another try.

– impulse buy… it was cheap, and it stars Joshua Jackson…but I think it’s yet another US attempt at recreating Jap. Horror. Low expectations for this one.

Return of The Living Dead II:
The final piece in my Return of the Living Dead trilogy, and a one of the last movies I remember watching with my dad.

WWE: No Way Out 2005
– filling in the gaps of my WWE collection.

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory: Special Edition
– Before Burton & Depp, there was the Wilder classic… I can’t wait to watch this with audio commentary from the “Wonka kids”

Soylent Green
– Charlton “the effing man” Heston and that jaw dropping line “It’s people!”

The Hound of The Baskervilles
– Peter Cushing as Sherlock Holmes….Christopher Lee as his nemesis… just like old times

Donnie Brasco
– finally added this Johnny Depp title to my collection. Just a few more to go and I’ll own em all…bwahahahahahahahahah

Notes on a Scandal
– Cate Blanchett – the best actress on God’s Green Earth. No way this can’t be good.

Hart’s War
– replacement.

Exorcist 2: The Heretic
– nowhere near the original. Obviously. But I’m a completist (is that the word pedantic English language friends?).

Not a bad haul indeed…
mmm I wonder if I should list those I got this weekend too…

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

August 2, 2009

I’ve never considered myself one for friendships, but for some reason when it comes to the “F-word”, I’ve always been naturally more comfortable and closer to the female population. It’s just a fact; my closest friends (bar one or two exceptions) have always been girls.

This has never really been a problem, but lately, I’ve found myself absolutely craving “guy conversation”.

I think maybe it’s just the age my f-words and I are reaching. You know, the age where everything is seemingly about family, marriage and kids or Robert Pattinson.

As I think over my 31 years, there are many circumstances leading directly to this.

Being raised by a single mother since my dad and older brother died certainly didn’t leave much room for guy conversation – so that ruled out a lot of growing up around guy stuff.

Being forced to grow up too soon of course prevented the clubbing with the boys and drinking aspect of partying and having a night out with the boys.

Then of course girls find it very comfortable being around me because I’m such a nice guy (and modest too)….flipside of that though – most guys find me a threat to their girls/wives.

Finally, there is my complete lack of interest in most things guy like. I hate rugby, get annoyed with braaing (BBQ’s for you international readers), and drinking and, if you know me well enough, you know I don’t know the difference between a Mercedes Benz and a BMW – or even how many horses it takes to power them.

Why is it that I’m now craving some type of male banter, when I know it will just irritate me.

Maybe it’s time to visit a strip club? Seeing as though my only other experience was not exactly what you would consider fun. The story? In 1997 – the year after high school when a bunch of us schoolmates ventured to a joint in order to see a nice erotic dancer entertain us to our wildest desires. Well, the night started off with me drinking way too much coke light (so brain freeze from the ice cubes), and ended with a gap toothed East Rand girl putting on a dance routine that involved melting ice on her “hot body” while she shook her booty. The stripping followed and she proceeded to toss the ice cube into the crowd. Lucky me… I was in the direct line of fire and the ice cube struck me directly in my glasses cracking one of the lenses. Awesome. I got to see out one for the rest of the night and be scarred with the memory of seeing a stripper with one nipple.

In the end, I guess I’m just a better fit with women. Plus I love flirting, so I guess its one of those “double edged sword” situations.

But I really want to talk about how sexy some girl is, or what they look like nekkid.
I want to make penis jokes – because they are funny.
Even sharing the much hyped story about losing my virginity didn’t seem as effective when I shared it with female friends…

Some guys just don’t get that luxury I guess.

Now if I can just get rid of that pesky “he’s probably gay” stigma….